Records Lite

Starts at £20/month
Easily Manage Royalties
Ingest Sales from Any Source
Generate Easily Understandable Statements
Reports and Analytics
Artist Dashboard
PER Month
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Records Lite

Pricing is £20 for every bundle which contains 15 contracts and 100 catalogue items. The charge scales with your usage per bundle.

For example 50 contracts and 350 catalogue items would require 4 bundles = £80.  

Taken via credit card every month, sign up now to get a 14 day free trial!
Ingest Sales From Any Source
Ingest data from any distributor or DSP, using our automatic template library, recognising statements from any of 1000 different sources
Generate Statements Your Artists Will Love
Create beautifully simple statements that artists love, with easy to understand PDFs and CSVs of data providing all the information your artist’s need to understand their sales and costs
Artist Dashboard
Give access to your artists to your own interactive data dashboard, along with automatically notifying them when their statements are ready
Analytics and Reports
Analytics are available throughout the system, allowing you to understand your business at any level, from track and release, through to specific contract or your entire business
White Swoosh
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